Author Topic: ETD No Output  (Read 10813 times)

Offline tbone321

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ETD No Output
« on: October 30, 2016, »
I have an EDT that was sitting on the shelf for a few years that I was going to put into service but it has no output.  The green LED on the board lights up when power is applied and the magjack also lights up when an Ethernet cable is plugged in and the orange light flashes when data is sent to it.  The problem is that there seems to be no output on its output jack.  When I connect the Picket-3 to it and supply power from the wall wart, it can see it, read from it, and write to it so the PIC also seems to be functional.  I know that the input is valid because if I hot swap this EDT out with another one, the lights work as expected.  I even switched to a different universe    For testing I have it connected to a Zeus 8 and even switched to a different universe to make sure that it was not just a bad 485.  If anyone has any idea on what may ne the issue, please let me know or otherwise, it's off to the scrap pile for it.
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Offline tbone321

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Re: ETD No Output
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2016, »
It appears that it lives.  Further testing and checking showed that the second universe was outputting but still nothing from 1, 3, and 4.  Taking a close look at the PIC, it appeared to be just the slightest bit out of position but all of the joints looked good.  I pressed the pins into position by hand but don't know id that had any effect or not.  I pulled the isolators and 485's for all 4 universes and like magic, universe 1 started working.  Universes 3 and 4 still didn't work until I realized that in FPP, I only defined 16 E1.31 universes which only provides output for 2 PixelNet universes.  As soon as I defined another 16 for a total of 32 E1.31 universes, all 4 of the EDT's outputs began working.  There may still be an issue with the surface mount PIC but since this is a bench / emergency replacement EDT anyway, I will leave it as is as long as it keeps working.
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