Author Topic: sequencing or saving a partial song - edit or truncate audio?  (Read 845 times)

Offline ghethco

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If you want to sequence just part of a song, do you have to edit the audio file before you bring it into LSP?  What if you want to string together several audio clips and sequence them together?  I found the "add media clip" feature, but that seems to only work to overlay a clip on top of the main audio track.

I have Audacity and I can certainly use it to string together audio clips and then bring the whole thing into LSP, but what if you change your mind after you've sequenced part of it?

I have part of a song sequenced already, but I don't want the whole song.  Now I can't find a way to delete the rest of the song or just save the part I've sequenced already without saving the whole song.  I'm really surprised there's no feature for this.  Or maybe it's just well hidden :-)  The "Save" and "Export" features don't seem to support anything like this.


Offline MrChristmas2000

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If you want to add more audio to a clip in a sequence that you are editing you must load the original clip into Audacity, be sure to backup your original audio clip.

Next you append the additional audio to the original clip.

From Audacity you then export the new audio clip to a new file.

From within LSP you then point the sequence to the new audio file, LSP will process the new file and now your sequence has a new audio track with the additional clip.

You can also close the Sequence, rename the original audio file, change the newly exported audio file to the original audio file name. Then when you reopen the sequence LSP will process the audio and now you have the additional clip in your sequence file.

Hope that helps.