Software > Light Elf Software utilities

Can't install


I have been trying for some time to get Light Elf installed but when running the command line I keep getting an error that says it cannot locate my "xlights_network.xml" file. Well, XLights sees that file and loads my 4 universes of setup. I noticed that the actual file name created by XLights is xlights_networks.xml, not xlights_network.xml, so I made a copy with each name. No dice. Not sure what else to try. Any help would be appreciated.

If you look at the post dates, you will see that with the exception of your post, the last one was almost a year ago.  I believe that light elf is either dead or on hold and has been for quite a while.

Light elf was written by frankr. He just came back online after a 9 month hiatus. Maybe u can pm him


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