Author Topic: Lynx Express units are working well with with Light-o-rama units  (Read 2068 times)

Offline Jeffl

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This is my first year using the Lynx Express units with a Light-o-rama network.  I have been running four LE V5 units with my existing LOR units and they have been working well together.  The LE units have done everything they have been asked to do for the past two weeks and I have no doubts they will perform the rest of the season.

Now I don't want to start a comparison war.  I'm just sharing my experience.

Offline budude

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I started my setup this year with my two LOR boxes using just the 32 channels attached to an Rx/Tx wireless pair - no problems. I then added in my FreeStyle in front of it and set up the rest of the display. I went to preview my sequences and  <yk.. my LOR channels are all messed up. I tried restarting Vixen, the computer, LOR boxes, Freestyle, etc - no good! I had the same setup last year - what's going on??? Uh - - well... I had been doing some testing with the FS earlier in the year and had installed the terminator jumper and had forgotten it was still on... oops  <fp.

All good now! Lesson learned - watch those jumpers!  ;D

Offline rrowan

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Hi guys

Many thanks for posting a positive working with the Lynx Hardware.

Normally all RJ hears is the bad. Plus new members just see things not working and think there is a problem with the hardware, what they don't know is that are thousands of LEs and other Lynx hardware that are working great.


Rick R.
Light Animation Hobby - Having fun and Learning at the same time. (21st member of DLA)
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Offline rangebob846

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I look at the negative or help requests but I also keep in mind what isn't being said as the positive.  I can see that there have been a bunch of coops with lots of boards purchased.  That tells me that there are many happy people that really likes the products.  That is part of the reason that I'm leaning toward purchasing this equipment.  Now just to fund the funds to actually purchase them.  That will be an after Christmas purchase. 

Offline jnealand

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This is my second year of using LOR in DMX mode with my Lynx network and works great.  All my Lynx equipment is wireless except and the LOR unit is cabled to a nearby LE.  No problems as long as you remember to check the address and set it correctly.  I functionally moved the LOR unit from last years show and after setup could not figured out why everything was so weird looking.  Sure enough I forgot to change the unit number.  Too many details to think of when rushing to get setup.
Jim Nealand
Kennesaw, GA

Offline nick

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I just wanted to add that this is my first year using the LE hardware with my existing LOR boxes, and it has been fantastic.  I use all LEDs and had some strands that weren't fading very well on the LOR channels. Luckily I had a few extra channels on a LE box that I could plug them into. They fade great now so thanks to RJ for including those snubber resistors on the LE.

Offline lineman

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This is my first year at doing any kind of light animation along with any kind of soldering, but do to the folks in this community and the AWESOME equipment that RJ makes I have had no problems with 8 Lnyx Expresses, 8 EX/RX V1 and V2, 2 Aethers also wireless. Because of the attributes of this forum and the equipment many have enjoyed my show me included. THANK YOU ALL

Offline Jeffl

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I should note I'm running my LOR units in a normal LOR network and the LE's on an IDMX.  I did test the LOR controllers in DMX mode and that works well too because they auto sense what protocol is being sent.

Offline RJ

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I am so glad you guys are having good service from the equipment.

It is true that users come to a forum and see issues people are having. I always wonder how much this scare potential DIY'ers away. But I always think of it like this, They should not read just the first posts but instead read all of the posts.

Did our members and I do everything they can to help short of building it or repairing it for them?
Was the issue resolved?
What was the end issue? Was it a issue with the way the hardware is built or was it a user induced issue. Soldering, backwards parts, misconfiguration ?

And while it gets tough in December due to all of us putting out our shows and working on our own setup issues the members and I continued to work with users to get them going and to help make them successful at DIY.

Most issues in recent have been issues with people building Aethers. This is not a surprise and it should not be to the users either. It is the first Surface mount device we have done beyond a solder practice kit. We are all having to learn new skills even I. This means people are going to put too much or not enough. In the end we find it and get it going. Other than a few new ones I think we have got almost everyone of them fix. They may be one or two yet but we have worked them down and it has been the normal solder connections or bridges or parts backwards.

I believe if we get a coop manager to do another Aether coop some of these same people that had issues will order more from what they told me.

Think about it. If they would order more after they have had an issue what better endorsment can there be?

Also we will make some minor improvments to make building easier based on the users input and what I see people having issues with. 

In closing my over long rambling...  Check the LOR forums.

I do not think anyone would say they do not have good equipment. But yet they have people needing help many times more than we do. 

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