Author Topic: I need an idea for looms  (Read 1199 times)

Offline lrhorer

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I need an idea for looms
« on: February 04, 2015, »
When stringing LED tapes (or even regular light strings, for that matter) to spiral wrap a tree trunk or metal pole, it always takes me forever to try to get the spirals uniform, and even then they are never really as uniform as I would like.  That, plus inevitably the wraps don't stay put and I am having to re-adjust them over time.  I hit on the idea of creating a loom framework consisting essentially of several vertical straps with some sort of registration clip or cup set at regular intervals running down each strip.  The light tape / wire then is just wrapped around the cylinder, sitting in the little cup / clip on each strap as one winds around the pole.  Viola!  A near perfect set of spirals in very short order, and no slipping.  Does anyone have an idea of an easy way to create such s loom?  For the body of the tapes, I thought of using plastic hanging strap like You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login, but I'm having trouble thinking of what I could use for the cups that could be quickly, easily, and cheaply attached to the strap.  I thought of using plastic wire staples, but I'm not getting an idea of how to attach them that would not take a lot of time, and I am not sure how well they would work.

Anyone have a glimmer?  A better idea?

Offline rrowan

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Re: I need an idea for looms
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2015, »
For my spiral "tree" I just use pvc pipe and drilled evenly spaced holes. I was going to use screws but since I still have a big box of nails left over from building my home addition I used them instead. When done spray painted everything flat black. Since the tree is cone shape I put my wire/lights on the bottom of each nail so they don't slide up. The pipe is cheap and the nails were paid for 20 years ago.

Rick R.
Light Animation Hobby - Having fun and Learning at the same time. (21st member of DLA)
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Warning SOME assembly required

Offline lrhorer

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Re: I need an idea for looms
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2015, »
No, I'm talking about decorating existing features in the yard.  In particular I have several trees and one large tree stump ranging from 8" to 24" in diameter, plus a steel basketball pole about 4" in diameter.  I wrap these with LED tapes or strings, and I want some way to provide a grid-work that allows me to quickly and securely string my lights.  At about $10 a pole or so, the plastic strap would be ideal, but I need some way to create the graduated attachments.

Offline meman

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Re: I need an idea for looms
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2015, »
I've used this cheap plastic fencing for some precision work in the past. You could wrap a tree trunk, and use tie wraps or velcro straps to keep it pulled tight. Then use bobby pins (or plastic equivalent if you're worried about rust) to keep the lights pinned to specific squares in the grid.

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Good Luck,
Mike E.

Offline lrhorer

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Re: I need an idea for looms
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2015, »
Here's my solution, for those who are interested.  I got the plastic hanging strap from Lowe's for about $0.10 a foot, and I found some 1/4" 4-40 aluminum standoffs on Element-14 for $17.70 per package of 100.  Altex Electronics has packages of 100 4-40 screws for $2.39.  The holes in the strap are spaced approximately 3/4" apart.  Oddly, they are not perfectly uniform, but they are close enough for this purpose.