Software > Light Elf Software utilities

Cmd line error when importing sequence, please help!

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I am working on an Easter show and also running tests for the new year. This year I had many issues with the LSP Scheduler and I am trying to get my show to run with xlights.

I followed the instructions here: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login and everything seem to install just fine.

When I imported a sequence the import screen just says error and i get this error in the comand line prompt:

What did I do wrong? Please help!
Thank you

Eric, hopefully Frank will chime in here. What is the exact command that you are giving. I will see if I can help, but Frank had to help me in the beginning.

When I open LightElf, I get the screen where you can open a sequence and a cmd dialog box. I open the Beethoven Virus 2013F and the green status bar moves from empty to full rather quickly and then says error. Then when I look at the cmd box that picture is what is left.

I am probably doing something completey stupid and screwing everything up.
When I get home I will uninstall everything and follow thos instrauctions again.

Is the current version lightelf 9.0?

Yes I believe that .9 is the latest version. So you do get Light elf opened and can import your sequence? The error occurs when you export it? Am I following you correctly?

Under the options area have you set your directories up?


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