Author Topic: Vixen does not like dual monitors - Program freezes  (Read 1341 times)

Offline Night Owl

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I don't know if anyone else had this problem, but it seems like Vixen doesn't like dual monitor setups.  I am running XP, Vixen, and a MSI videocard driving two monitors.  If I start Vixen while in dual monitor mode everything if fine until I try and load a sequence.  A message box pops up, saying "Verifying Adjustable Preview" and Vixen locks.  If I set the system to only use one monitor, Vixen works fine. 

I figured this out the hard way last year and, stupid me, forgot about it this year and spent about an hour downloading Vixen, reinstalling, etc. trying to re-invent the wheel.   <fp. 

I'm sharing it with you all JIC someone runs into the same problem.  This will also serve as a reminder to myself because I know I'll forget again NEXT year.       

Offline jnealand

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Re: Vixen does not like dual monitors - Program freezes
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2010, »
Vixen works fine with multiple monitors I do it all the time.  I have dual 23" monitors.  Things to remember:
Vixen only works with one window.  Therefore you must use extended desktop and make both monitors function like one big screen.  When you start vixen make the screen cover both monitors by dragging the corners.  When you open the sequence make that window cover only one monitor (drage the corners and do not use the maximize button).  You can now open another sequence and drag that window to the second monitor.  This is how I copy / convert someone else's sequences to fit my layout using copy channel  and paste channel (right click on the desired channel).  You can also do this on a single monitor by using smaller windows.

During playback you can drag the adjustable preview screen to the second monitor and see both the sequence and the preview.
Jim Nealand
Kennesaw, GA

Offline Night Owl

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Re: Vixen does not like dual monitors - Program freezes
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2010, »
Now that was a handy tip!  I was using an extended desktop but only had Vixen running on half the desktop (so only on one monitor).  I just stretched the window to cover at least a little bit of both and it doesn't freeze.  Thanks!  Looks a little funny since I have one monitor set in landscape and one in portrait mode.  But that's easy to fix.  Amazing how easily I got used to two monitors.  Drives me nuts when trying to use only one.  Like using a mouse with no scroll wheel.