Author Topic: release 4.0.11  (Read 678 times)

Offline smeighan

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release 4.0.11
« on: April 02, 2015, »
Release 4.0.11

4.0.11  Apr 1, 2015
 -- bug (gil) Fix convert error where E1 or E2 color values were changed. Example #E1987C was being changed into #E987C
 -- enh (dkulp) ON effect now paints the sequence grid with the actual color of the On
 -- enh (dkulp) COLORWASH now draws on sequencer area actual colors of effect
 -- enh (dkulp) STOP lights now, STOP gracefully, output to lights are now icons
 -- bug (dkulp) Edit Display Elements window not full view #129
 -- bug (gil) Not able to delete models in sequencer #122
 -- bug (sean) House preview screen in the sequencer tab version 4.0.10 #121
 -- bug (dkulp) Model assigning incorrect number of channels #126

4.0.10  Mar 31, 2015
 Gill added ability to position a picture in the X & Y direction
 -- bug (gil) Deleting a timing mark crashes X/Lights #118
 -- bug (gil) Enhancement: Picture Position #14
 -- bug (gil) Fade across timing marks not working correctly #56
 -- bug (sean) Fixed the Life, Pictures and Shimmer icons for effects.

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