Hardware > Lynx MR16 / 16 CH DC Controller

Hardware DMX

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OK... so I came across a You Tube video of a guy controlling his LOR lights with a hardware DMX controller (looks like an audio mixing board with sliders). That seemed like a good idea for controlling my Wirekat MR16s on the top of my bookshelf. My wife isn't about to turn on the living room computer, pull up vixen, etc... to get a little mood light going.

So instead of asking first if this would work I made the assumption it would work and bought a cheap board. The board arrived yesterday so... after making an XLR to RJ-45 cord with my poor soldering skills I plugged it in and... flicker. I've made sure all my connections are correct, the Lynx MR16 controller is terminated, etc... but still a lot of flicker.

Before I pack this thing up and return it does anyone have an ideas... DMX cord length, grounding, etc...? I like having an option for turning on mood lighting quick but not sure I'd use it that often (unless I start putting on plays or concerts in my living room - not sure that's going to happen at my age). I need to learn to leave well enough alone.


Not controlled just flickering or is it controllable and just flickers ?

If the first he may use the reversed DMX connections. Some stuff has the DMX wires switched from the standard.


Hi RJ - it's controllable, just flickers. I have 3 MR16s hooked up to 3 channels and they flicker in tandem (at least appears that way). The flickering is random but constant. I've tried changing the wires on the pins but get the same thing.


Hi Robb

First I am assuming that you have the Lynx MR-16 start address set to 1. Figure the board is starting there.

With a volt meter:
RS485 - Pin #5 = ground - Pin #8 = 5v, Pin #1 = Output

Pin 5 & 8 should be around 5 volts

Move the slider to full on and take some readings at the rs-485
Take a reading on Pins 5 and 1

Move the slider to off
Take a reading on Pins 5 and 1 (should be slightly less then above)

If above is good then test the output on the Lynx MR-16

Move the slider around and put your meter on the channel one outputs and see if the voltage changes. Should go from zero to about 12 volts (assuming your power supply to Lynx MR-16 is 12 volts)

Rick R.

dr. jones:
are you giving the mr16 board dc current or ac? led's will flicker on ac current


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