Software > Vixen

What controller do we use in Vixen 3 for USB Dongle?

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I was trying to play around with Vixen 3, but I'm not sure what controller I should use.  I tried the DMX Pro, and it did not seem to work.

I'm running the Lynx USB DMX Dongle and Lynx Express.

I may also be looking to add some smart strings, so if/when that happens, what controller would I use for that?



EDIT - Updated subject line.

I currently have the E1.31 Output Controller on my system utilizing an EtherDongle and SmartHub for smart strings and then DMX coming out of the Active Hub.  Everything is working fine in all my tests so far.

Not sure the controller for the basic DMX dongle.


I don't have an EtherDongle, just the original Lynx Dongle.  However, I have a Smart String Active Hub coming, so I will have to upgrade it to PixelNet in order to use it.

Would that same E1.31 work then or is the EtherDongle that different?

I guess I can always play around and try the different options too in order to see which one might work.  I was just hoping someone else may have had some success to save me some pain.


Vixen 3 is so new that there is not a wide body of knowledge.  You are a pioneer and one who we will be counting on to answer our questions once we start using it.


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