Software > Vixen

25mS vs 50mS

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Hello everyone,

I'm trying to modify/use a few of last years sequences @ 25mS for this years show. I'm using the same profile, (512 ch's) with 192 being used, to accommodate this years ch count. (192 ch's, 2 houses)
At 25mS I have to run only one adjustable preview at a time, and the timing is still slightly off. At 50mS I can run both previews simultaneously with no visible slowdown of the timing or the computer.
Using the same laptop, Vixen 2.1 (same as last year).
Any thoughts on why last years sequence  @ 25mS bogs down my machine. It ran fine last year on my laptop and the show machine.

Thanks in advance,

At 25ms vs 50 ms your machine has twice the work to do. (Things to keep track of) What kind of CPU/ clock speed are you running on either the Show machine and/or laptop? You might have to find a faster machine to not see a difference.

Hey Leon,

My laptop runs at 2.0 GHz. Haven't checked the show machine.


Wow! Well thats plenty fast. What kind of sequence? Is it really busy when it boggs down or is it basically sluggish all the time?

Is it necessary to run at 25 ms? Just curious.


Watch the task manager performance window while it runs (Ctrl-Shift-Esc).  See how the CPU does while it runs.  If it's up above about 75% you're probably asking too much of it.  Also make sure Vixen and your show are not running from virtual memory (disk) by shutting down everything else - foreground or background processes. 



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