
Fun => The Porch => Topic started by: CaptKirk on January 31, 2011,

Title: Cool shirt!
Post by: CaptKirk on January 31, 2011,
Did any one else get this shirt at Walmart during the 2010 xmas season? Isn't it perfect for this hobby?   The Aether board, and diagaonals were placed by me- my puppy added her face to the pic (she is SO helpful)....
Title: Re: Cool shirt!
Post by: rogerwh on January 31, 2011,
This was my first year of light animation and my wife and Daughter but this exact shirt and gave it to me before Christmas!.
Title: Re: Cool shirt!
Post by: CaptKirk on January 31, 2011,
Did it come with a dog like my picture?? 

Title: Re: Cool shirt!
Post by: rogerwh on February 01, 2011,
No.  I actualy have two labs though.

Sorta funny thing though.  My wife snikered when she gave me the shirt and prior to that had been talking with all of her buddies about the amount of time and money I was spending on "this stupid project".  I had several false starts on my megatree which added to her doubt that I would ever get finsihed before Christmas.  We live sort of far out and as I ran into friends that I was pretty sure hadn't been out to our house they would compliment me on the lights saying that they saw them on facebook.  Seems that she had been posting links to a video of the lights she had taken and talking about how cool they looked.  She still makes offhand comments about cost/time of the project but at least now I know she does like the result. 
Title: Re: Cool shirt!
Post by: CaptKirk on February 01, 2011,
LOL,  I think we are all in that same situation (or at least heading that same direction)!  I'm getting less 'static' after showing my better half the cool videos people have shared here of their displays.  Carry on fellow "engineer"! ;D


Title: Re: Cool shirt!
Post by: CB on February 01, 2011,
Ha yeah I got one of those shirts as a present this year too.  Probably the only cool thing I have ever seen from WalMart.

I love that my wife used to snicker at me beest part about it is that all of her friends talk to me about my display during the summer months and express their excitement to see what is new the coming holiday season.  Possibly the best result is when she herself post my videos on her facebook and I see all the replies.  Yeah sure I am a nerd for making my own equipment and spending copious hours programming blinks to music but why do so many other "nerds" park in fron of my house to watch them and better yet get out of their cars to leave a donation when it is snowing with a 8 degrees below wind chill?

Plus the fun in reminding her that she chose to marry a "nerd" is even funnier.  Oh and yes I proudly wear the Nerd moniker because I am also a 3rd degree black belt so not many others can get away with using it towards me.

Keep up the good work all and with any luck soon enough the aliens will be envious of all our blinkies durign the holiday season.  LMAO.
