Hardware > Panther DMX Player


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This is  a place to list grimlins we find

i noticed that my panther does strange stuff on startup

here is setup powerstrip provides power to le and panther  2 ft ethernet between le and panther using ed walwart to power panther (8.97 volt dc under load)

this is what i have done so far
if i cycle power to le and panther at same time
thE panther appears to startup fine & le does not run program but data light is flashing on le (tried this with 2 differant  v5 le's from last years show)

if i startup le first and it completes diagnositics the plug in panter it picks up and runs program
if i restart le while panther is running then it runs fine

this was tested using the seq files that scott provided

now the grimlin it does not do this consistentaly sometimes it will start right up with power cycle

Do me a favor and test this. have the Panther and 1 LE plugged into the same strip. Have another LE plugged into the wall outlet. Have the DMX Out from the one on the strip connected to the plugged into the wall outlet. Then test. I want to know if the one that does not get powered off will start working when the panther starts up.

the second le (the one that stays powered up) starts up as soon as the panther recieves power

Not sure what is going on with this issue. I will add another variable to the control file for a startup delay in seconds. maybe that will help.


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