Author Topic: Effect across multiple timelines  (Read 608 times)

Offline drlucas

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Effect across multiple timelines
« on: September 22, 2013, »
I have two models in my sequence in xlights/nutcracker so far.....a megatree of flexstrings and a corostar on the top with dumb strings inside. I want to have a bunch of different effects happen on the megatree over a period of times, but I want a consistent effect across many of those same times. In MSExcel I could select a few rows and then merge them into one...How do you get the same thing to happen in xlights? I have attached my sample sequence and I want to do a color wash for the first 35seconds and then a twinkle after that. I don't want the effect to "reset" each time sequence because later on down the road I want to put in some text on my megatree and show that for a length of time while other lights are doing things too. So, am I on the right path to achieve this or am I missing something? I also am wondering what the fit to time checkbox is used for on effects? I'm sure with trial and error I can figure it out, but if there is a simple and straight forward answer I'd be happy to be learned :)

thanks much.

Ryan (and now back to mounting RGBs to some PVC and hopefully get my garage peaks done's sunny and 50 out so perfect for working.....
-Ryan Lucas-
- Pickering, Ontario, Canada, Eh?! -

Offline travailen

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Re: Effect across multiple timelines
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2013, »
I think your star will play the color wash until the time gets to the Twinkle. Then it will play the twinkle until the timer encounters another effect. However if in the next time after the twinkle (37.489) you put a none/none effect the star will go dark and will stay dark until the time line encounters a different effect.

Rick S