Hardware > Lynx Zeus

Zeus Beta Testers.


If you have been a member for one year or more, own Smart String equipment, are confortable in both building and the use of it all.

If you want to be a beta tester, have the time to devolt. "I got in the beta just to have one early" is not someone we want on the beta teams. I have already ruled out some members from the beta teams for doing this in the past.

Then pm me and tell me why you think you would be a good beta tester on the Zeus project and I will pick 4-5 members to be on the team.

I am also looking for someone to be on the beta that has ok writing skills and can take picture of the build and create a build and operation manual for it. I need help as we have grown beyond me being able to do much of this and I have to rely on others to help.


Ok I have given everyone enough time to get their pm's in while I got over my bug. I will be looking over the pm's and letting those chosen know via pm with instructions what to do. I have the pcbs coming already and we will get underway with the Beta. I expect it to be fairly short do to the upfront work that has been done.


Don't give up if you have not heard back from me on being a beta tester. I was sick and I just got the final beta pcbs in and are building one of all to test before setting up the beta area and notifing people that were selected. Once I get this done i will be able to get the beta pcbs out right aways since there here (unless there is a problem with the layout.) But the last pcbs just had a few things that made them harder to build than I liked so I changed them.  Should be able to get it under way maybe this weekend.


Ok the beta testers have been selected and notified. With over two dozen volunteers I could accept but four because that is how many pcbs I have. If you where not selected thank you for the offer but I had to pick four.


Looking forward to seeing the final product when it arrives. Good luck testers!!


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