Author Topic: xLights  (Read 37062 times)

Offline steve_hirst

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Re: xLights
« Reply #45 on: December 07, 2010, »
I tried to use xlights last night and had a problem. I am using 2 networks of Renard and I plan on adding some dmx next year and use this for the show. the problem that I have is the first sequence runs great and when it changes from the first to the second sequence, the music runs about 5 seconds after the lights and the time difference builds with each sequence. I'm running vixen 2.1.4 sequences and mp3s for the audio. 336 channels of Renard.

If you need more info let me know as I'm sure you can get it fixed if you know whats going on.

Offline garyh

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Re: xLights
« Reply #46 on: December 22, 2012, »
My suggestion for the sequence tab would be something like 1 rotation, or a way to stop the animation.  Even if it's a stop after x amount of seconds. 

For example, I want Merry Christmas to scroll 1 time, then stop.  If I add it in at the beginning of the song it will scroll the entire length of the song, unless I figure out it takes 10 seconds and then start another effect then to stop the scrolling.

So either a duration of the animation or a stop after x amount of seconds would be great.  I'm mostly doing text scrolling at this point, just a suggestion--thanks again Matt!