Hardware > LedTriks II

LedTricks II Example

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Great setup, I have been thinking about something similar for next year. I have also been working on a marquee that will use 20 8X8 RGB matrix panels, 1280 pixelnet nodes. Something similar to those led message signs. I plan on having synchronized lyrics during the show, and show time count down the rest.

Have Fun

This is pretty high on my list for next year, although it may be a little out of my price range with 16 rows. Do you think the sign would still be readable with only 8 or 10 rows?

I built one of the LED Tricks displays two years ago using 2 panels across and I love it. I want to build an RGB version as soon as I can figure out the software issues. To answer your question, if you want the sign to be readable from the street, it has to be at least 16 pixels (rows) high. Otherwise, the letters are really to small to read, at least in my opinion. My sign has to be back from the road at least 20 feet because of the layout of my yard. I hope this information helps. Jim

Mike Hill:
Everyday I spend on this site my wish list gets bigger and bigger.  I hate you guys....KIDDING.  I think Bill needs a new camera.  Anyone want to donate to his cause?  Great videos Bill....just what I was looking for in regards to informative data.

As for the ther comments.....that was my daily comedy.  I'll take a cat please.....no seriously....I won't.



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