Hardware > Bobcat DMX Tester

Caution during build - encoder has delicate connector wires.



Be careful with the barrel encoder (the spinny thingy that allows you to select your channel or intensity of light (dependent on what mode you are on.)  The pins for this are super delicate.  When building my first tester, My encoder shifted and broke the pin solder on the PCB when I inserted into the case.  Make sure when you are putting the case on, that you do not shift the encoder.  I was able to gerry rig a solution using small gauge wire so all is well.  Just want to make sure that others are careful. 

This part has very delicate connector wires that can break easily if not careful.

Otherwise, this was a perfect build and a great asset and tool for the light toolbox.

Thank you for the design and recent COOP!


I didn't experience any issues with mine.

My second build went very smooth with no issues.  Just my own stupidity on the first build!  I just found the legs on that selector device to be thinner than I am used to dealing with.



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