Author Topic: Scheduling problems and questions  (Read 804 times)

Offline MrChristmas2000

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Scheduling problems and questions
« on: December 14, 2012, »
If I schedule a show and it fails for some reason, let's say a missing audio file. I can't seem to edit it or restart it without deleting the schedule and rebuilding it.

Even though the end time of the schedule has not been reached xLights says that the schedule is finished and is awaiting the start of the next schedule.

Should there be any probelm running back to back schedules like for example a show from
6:00 (18:00) to 7:00 (19:00) followed by a show at 7:00 (19:00) to 8:00 (20:00). I can't seem to get them to run back to back any longer.

Thanks for your help.

Offline MrChristmas2000

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Re: Scheduling problems and questions
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2012, »
Solved the problem for now. I reverted back to 2012b and the scheduler works as it did before.

2012c Scheduler has some bugs like:

If you have already passed a start time the scheduler WILL NOT START.

If you stop the scheduler mid schedule it will not restart.

I even believe it has trouble running back to back shows. Don't have time to go back and check that for sure.

Otherwise I like the new interface layout.