Author Topic: Mixing RGB strips or strings with regular LED's on Mega Tree  (Read 2037 times)

Offline Jeffl

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I'm still on the fence as to what to do fo 2013.  I see all this RGB stuff but the reliability still has me on the fence.  Once I put my strings up, I'm I want stuff to perform reliably.  I feel confident in mini lights for the most part and LED's now day seem to be very reliable.

I'm considering how I could switch my Mega trees to LED's and and some RGB strings to it.  Unfortunately or not I have an L shaped display so a 1/2 RGB tree just doesn't work and doing full 360 degree for 12'-20' may be a bank breaker.

I'm considering doing my regular trees in standard LED's or incans and then adding RGB strips or strings to them for an extra pop.

What are your thoughts.

A picture of our display can be found here to give you an idea of what I'm facing.

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Offline chrisatpsu

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i would say, determine how long of strings you need, then buy them is chucks as you can afford...

then put them away, or play with them, but don't set them outside yet.

if it takes 2, or even 3 years, so be it.

then when you have all the items, then set it up then. you have what you wanted and didn't break the bank.

the nodes are very reliable now.

also along the way, pickup the hardware too, like grabbing a 16port active hub, and a 16port passive hub.  (most people are going above 16 strings nowadays, plus it gives you room to balance power.  Build your ssc's with the two wires to come out of the bottom cap. this really keeps the water out (especially if you bind your ssc to the rope, or wire or tube that holds your strings to the tree.

the battery boxes are wonderful for storing the hub and power supply.  (i'd suggest keeping each hub in its own box to make it easy to service or swap out.)

if you buy you're stranded cat5 cables (like at monoprice) pick a different color cable for the wires that go from the hub to the ssc's (as opposed to the dmx wire, or the pixelnet wire from hub to hub) so that when you do make a switch, it's really easy to not screw up.

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Offline zwiller

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Jeff, to echo what Chris said, the stuff is reliable.  I admit I was pessimistic.  But my stuff has seen everything but high temps.  Rain (after effect of Sandy), snow, high winds, etc.  I only had one issue where 2 sections were out when I ran the show immediately after rain.  To my chagrin, the sections relit themselves after a few minutes.   ;D  I think it was the ssc not the lights.  I have faith in the technology now after a month.  In fact, I like them more than my incans and would like to go all rgb. 

Great setup!  I really like the way you have your arches setup.  That area is like a rocket launch pad!  You have a lot going on and have a lot invested.  It is clear that your mega tree is your focal point, so an upgrade would not be a bad idea.  So, go big or go home. ;D  Smart string mega tree!

If I were you I would try to sell some gear to offset the expense.  I scaled back my incans and sold 3 LEs which paid for most of my rgb.  You could possibly sell some elements you no longer favor especially since the new mega tree will get the most attention. 

Don't forget the leds are just one part of the ss gear investment.  Programming, sequencing, and playback are equally challenging but it appears you are more than capable. 
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Offline jnealand

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My 17ft mega tree is all LEDs and has been for several years.  I see no reason to change that now, plus the cost would be high.  I added a 7ft half tree using flexstrips and that turned out great.  I don't think you should comingle LEDs and RGB on the same element.  Too much different for my taste, but it is nice to have both kinds of lights in the display.  Start small, last year I used RGB on my gutters and windows and used hybrid mode so I could easily convert my existing sequences.  Once the sequences were converted I started playing with using the individual pixels to run some chases around the windows.  This year I added the RGB tree and only had that in two of my sequences.  Next Year I hope to get the tree integrated into all the sequences and do more stuff with windows and gutters.  Plus I will be replacing the LEDs on my 6 porch columns with one short string of nodes on each.  My advice is do not try to do too much in one year or all it will do is stress you out.  There is a learning curve with RGB just like there was in your very first year doing incans.  Just make sure you have fun and don't worry about trying to do to much right away.
Jim Nealand
Kennesaw, GA

Offline Jeffl

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Rocket Launch Pad.  I never thought of it that way.

I like the idea's coming out.  I'm starting to think that we only hear when there are problems with the stuff and never hear when there are perfect runs.

I just might have to add some dense 7' RGB 360 degree trees this year and leave the other trees alone.  I would like to shrink the 23' tree down to about 18' but the wife, like some of you, like how big and bold it appears.  For me it's just a Big PITA to put up each year.

For now I'm thinking about going big.  Once I start taking stuff down, I'm sure I'll consider going home.  Keep the ideas coming.  I need to make some decisions on direction soon.

Offline zwiller

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the wife, like some of you, like how big and bold it appears. 


Jim is spot on, don't bite off too much.  I did and there was some serious stress but I luckily pulled it off.  You have been warned...

The more gear you sell, the more money you have for rgb, the less you take down.   ;D 
Sam, who is happy he flashed his etherdongle with newest firmware!

"Now, I had heard that word at least ten times a day from my old man. He worked in profanity the way other artists might work in oils or clay. It was his true medium; a master."