Author Topic: Help me decide. M5 or M6 LED  (Read 561 times)

Offline Jeffl

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Help me decide. M5 or M6 LED
« on: December 31, 2013, »
I have 96 strings of M6 LEDs and when I bought them they sounded like they were the same as M5.  What I figured out after I had put them up is that they really are larger than the M5.

The question is which one?  I thought the M6 was a little large coming from minis.  Besides the size, do the M5 have a smaller LED?  Are they noticeably dimmer or the same brightness?

I still have enough minis to give me headaches for a few more years but I'm feeling the need to start switching and I have more strings than I care to count so I want to get it right.

Offline Penfold

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Re: Help me decide. M5 or M6 LED
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2014, »
I would venture to say that the M6 diffuser caps are a little longer then the M5 from what I have seen.  They are the same brightness depending if they are half wave your you convert them to full wave to give them a little more ummpfff!  I have about 210 M5s on each of my 12 mini trees converted to full wave.  Each year when the wife is looking at the show for the first time I usually get the same response "The mini trees are too bright!  They're almost blinding".  Then her eyes adjust and she quiets down and starts tearing up because she says they are so beautiful  <fp..  The final thought would be you can never have enough lights! ;) 
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Cow go moo
Piggy go *snort* *snort*
how bout you?  ♪