Author Topic: When up is down and down is up.  (Read 751 times)

Offline MrChristmas2000

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When up is down and down is up.
« on: December 16, 2012, »
Yes that sounds funny but I ran across this problem today creating and testing an effect under my user.

Using my Effect MULTICOLORBARS1A if I set #11 to down when I produce a file and put it into LSP the effect actually starts at the bottom of the tree and goes upward.

If I change it to up then the effect in LSP moves from the top down.

I actually couldn't get the old server to produce any output (it kept getting internal server error) so I tested it on the new You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login server and got the above results.

One thing further the animated gifs produced by Nutcracker is showing the effects moving in the correct direction as defined by the setting in #11, it just works in reverse when brought into LSP.

I tried garlands this afternoon and they go up instead of down. Bummer.

« Last Edit: December 16, 2012, by MrChristmas2000 »

Offline MrChristmas2000

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Re: When up is down and down is up.
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2012, »
I figured it out.  It was my doh moment.  <fp.

Somehow my model had not saved the correct string start point, that propagated from the old site to the new test site as well. Sometimes if you stare at something long enough it will come to you.