Author Topic: Setup RGB Pixels in Nutcracker/xlights 3.0.9 for export to LOR S-3  (Read 731 times)

Offline JimWright

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Can anyone tell me how to setup Nutcracker in xlights and export the information so that it will work in LOR S-3? For the test that I have set up (eventually this is for a RGB sign) I have 2 DMX Universes set up in LOR. Each 168 node RGB light string (1 DMX Universe) is broken into 3 strands, so the matrix is 56 pixels wide. Each string makes 3 rows of 56 nodes each. I have set this up also in xlights, but can not make xlights control the strings (LOR does just fine), but this is another issue. I setup a new xlights sequence and then added an effect to the sequence (in color). I then exported the sequence to LOR. The exported file showed up as all white, no color at all. I can copy and paste into my regular sequence file, but of course it is still all white.

Is there a writeup somewhere (I looked but can't find one) on how to make this work properly, or can someone here in this forum tell me how to set this up?
Jim Wright
Jim Wright