Author Topic: release 3.4.9 , countdown fix, random effect fix  (Read 795 times)

Offline smeighan

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    • Nutcracker RGB Sequence Builder
3.4.9   Aug 7, 2014
   -Bug (djulien) wxDateTime is broken again; force RFC822 format to try to get it to work;
   for example: "Thu, 25 Dec 2014 00:00:00 MST" or "Thu, 25 Dec 2014 00:00:00 -0700"
   can be used on line 1 of the text effect, select different display options from the countdown   
   -Bug (sean) "Create Random Effects" would create a preponderance of BARS and BUTTERFLY effects. Effects are now random.
   -Bug (sean) xLights icon (Yellow Bulb), was not associated with the exe file. Shortcuts showed default icon. This now fixed.
3.4.8   Aug 3,2014
   -Enh (sean) Changed Playback counter on NUTCRACKER tab. It now updated 20 times per second instead of once per second.
   also changed the format to include fractional seconds. Finally added two displays, one has minutes, the second is
   just total seconds.
Littleton, CO
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