Author Topic: What the....  (Read 1765 times)

Offline bisquit476

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What the....
« on: December 07, 2010, »
Ok, so yesterday, my second Aether is working fine after I load the Aether dimming curves (before it was acting weird, going dim, shutting off, turning back on, getting bright, etc - on all 3 colors - at about the same brightness), no problems, today I go to plug it in, I get the white light flash, the red power LED flashes, and then nothing, no lights, nothing, so I unplug, and replug it in, and get the white and power LED flash again, and nothing. I've tried it about 6 times with the same result. I downloaded the diagnostic hex file, flashed the PIC with it, powered back up and get the  white and power LED flash, and nothing else. Tried the program side, same as above. Any ideas??

Offline bisquit476

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Re: What the....
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2011, »
Well, after finally getting back to this issue, I think it may be operator error. In using the DMX deck, upon opening it I usually just click on the settings tab, comport pops up with the channel 7 comport highlighted, I then click the update button and everything works. For some reason, with my Aethers, I just click the update button, and the Aethers don't work. BUT, if I click on the channel 7 in the comport popup, then click update, both Aethers work fine. So it must be operator error. On a side note, I still can't get the diagnostic hex file to work on either Aether, although they are both working as they should. So I'm leaving well enough alone. Thank you RJ for these lights, they are awesome.