Author Topic: Disgruntled neighbors  (Read 3408 times)

Offline tbone321

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Re: Disgruntled neighbors
« Reply #15 on: December 30, 2013, »
I don't think that you are running your show too long at all.  Perhaps you may want to consider not running the show every night.  I am not saying to go dark but perhaps on Sundays and Mondays you run in a static mode.  This way your house still looks good and the neighbors get a break from the traffic.  That is the downside of running a great show, it draws a lot of people and unfortunately, not all of them have manors or concern for anything but themselves and that can make 3 steady weeks seem like a really looooooong time.  If you have an active HOA, you should also have a email list.  Perhaps you could post some questions on it asking people what their concerns are.
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Offline mitch09

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Re: Disgruntled neighbors
« Reply #16 on: December 30, 2013, »
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I don't think that you are running your show too long at all.  Perhaps you may want to consider not running the show every night.  I am not saying to go dark but perhaps on Sundays and Mondays you run in a static mode.  This way your house still looks good and the neighbors get a break from the traffic.  That is the downside of running a great show, it draws a lot of people and unfortunately, not all of them have manors or concern for anything but themselves and that can make 3 steady weeks seem like a really looooooong time.  If you have an active HOA, you should also have a email list.  Perhaps you could post some questions on it asking people what their concerns are.
Great idea about a static night or two. Our HOA is not very active except for new building Design review. There are only 18 lots(15 houses) in the HOA. I have lived here since 2009 when there were only 6 houses. I have never received a letter about a meeting. Although according to the CCRs we are supposed to have one every January.
I did find a line in my CCRs that could cause me some issues if pressed, "OBNOXIOUS OR OFFENSIVE ACTIVITY- No obnoxious or offensive activity shall be carried on on any parcel nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to other Owners and their guests"

Offline Greg

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Re: Disgruntled neighbors
« Reply #17 on: December 30, 2013, »
A few years ago I had a next door neighbor that was disgruntled about my show.  No specific complaint except it was "stupid" via a third party.  The following year, I adopted a charity and dedicated the show to the charity with psa's in the show and a donation box for the charity.  Total turn around on the neighbor's part.  They now are very supportive and tell me so every year verbally and with a nice check for the charity.

I run my show nonstop 6 to 10 pm M-TH, 6 to 11pm F-S, and till midnight Christmas and New Years's eve so naturally I wouldn't think your show hours are out of line.

Now if we could just get more of the viewers to show more courtesy for other viewers by turning off their headlights and just using their parking lights...  Need to put a bug in the ear of those seasonal TV programs that feature light shows to have a short viewers etiquette segment.

« Last Edit: December 30, 2013, by Greg »
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Offline jnealand

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Re: Disgruntled neighbors
« Reply #18 on: December 30, 2013, »
Now you know the downside of publicity.  I avoid looking for publicity and if some media type came calling I would decline an interview and tell them why.  I have a friend who has been doing a show for years and has been written up in the papers and on TV several times.  He is also at the end of a cul-de-sac and has to spend his weekends directing traffic.  That is not what I want to do.  btw for his show he has people back up to the curb across from him and some orange cones to help guide traffic.

I do have a list of about 10 local (short drive) shows that I distribute to family and friends.  I do not know how many cars come by and stop as I have better things to do than stand by a window and count cars.  Fortunately for me, my neighbors all love the show, even the one guy that would call the cops instantly and has for other things.

The bottom line recommendation from me on all this is to avoid publicity.  For me that is not why I am doing a show.
Jim Nealand
Kennesaw, GA

Offline arw01

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Re: Disgruntled neighbors
« Reply #19 on: December 30, 2013, »
I am more of the inclination of every holiday needs a show if the neighbors complain.  Like another said I don't complain about their kids screaming all hours of the day because they lock them outside, or their dogs barking (I have a beagle).

I think cutting the days would just make the traffic worse on the days you do run the show.  Tossing in the fox song or something non traditional and maybe a little under the age of many drivers might help!  I noticed the senior bus always left on that song.

« Last Edit: December 30, 2013, by arw01 »

Offline caretaker

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Re: Disgruntled neighbors
« Reply #20 on: December 30, 2013, »
As far as traffic goes, contact your local police department and talk to the Captain/Sheriff/Man in charge and ask if they could offer training to a few of your volunteers for traffic control if/when you get busy nights. Ultimately if you get HUGE numbers coming to your display you may have to look to moving it to a park/church/etc as others who had to large of turnouts for there shows.  We all want our displays to be popular but the curse is when they become to popular.
Jeff Squires
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Offline taybrynn

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Re: Disgruntled neighbors
« Reply #21 on: December 30, 2013, »
I think as Jim just said -- the publicity is the worst thing any show can have.  It brings in the masses and while most are fine ... it often elevates the level of suffering for the whole neighborhood almost overnight and it only takes one bad apple to arrive to have a vandalism problem.  So the best advise I ever got was to never do anything with the press EVER, especially not TV ... and I think that keeps it small enough that you don't have to be a traffic cop .... because I know some people really don't like it once they know the whole towns been invited to THEIR street.
Scott - Castle Rock, Colorado   [ 2 homes, 100% RGB in 2016; since 2008; over 32k channels of E1.31 ]
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Offline tbone321

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Re: Disgruntled neighbors
« Reply #22 on: December 30, 2013, »
While it may be true to a point that traffic can possibly increase on the days the show is running, I doubt that would have much of an affect on the neighbors.  Is an increase from 10 to 12 cars really going to make that much of a difference.  Having 1 to 2 days a week where they know that they don't have to deal with it at all does in most cases.  Putting people out of the holiday spirit just makes it worse and playing non Christmas songs during a supposed Christmas show does exactly that to many people.  If one or more of those people happen to be neighbors, then your show and the resulting issues such as traffic becomes something that simple needs to come to an end in their eyes and when there is an HOA and their rules that can be enforced, then that becomes a real issue.
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Offline bassmants

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Re: Disgruntled neighbors
« Reply #23 on: December 30, 2013, »
I am absolutely stunned. :o  This is such a positive thing 99.99% of the time.  For you to have the .01% in your neighborhood is sad.  Sorry for your troubles. 

Offline mitch09

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Re: Disgruntled neighbors
« Reply #24 on: December 30, 2013, »
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I am absolutely stunned. :o  This is such a positive thing 99.99% of the time.  For you to have the .01% in your neighborhood is sad.  Sorry for your troubles.
I appreciate the sentiment. I truly try to be a 'good neighbor'. I play with the kids and help build another neighbor's fence. Doing my part, but unfortunately I am contemplating a year off next year. I still am not 100% certain of the neighbor that wrote the letter, but if it is the neighbor that I think it is, I am sure he will press the HOA next year to try and stop the show. This is not why I got into animated lighting.

Offline tbone321

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Re: Disgruntled neighbors
« Reply #25 on: December 30, 2013, »
Before setting that in stone, I would talk to the neighbors and get their opinion on what you are doing and what they like and don't like.  I believe that you will find that most will support you, especially if you keep the spirit of the holiday in what you are doing and not just trying to attract the most people possibe. 
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Offline mitch09

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Re: Disgruntled neighbors
« Reply #26 on: December 30, 2013, »
I will talk with most of them over the summer and see what comes of it.

Offline shaunkad

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Re: Disgruntled neighbors
« Reply #27 on: December 30, 2013, »
Ask if they have a favorite song they would like done also.

Offline Gary

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Re: Disgruntled neighbors
« Reply #28 on: December 30, 2013, »
Interesting that you posted this dilemma since I saw you a few weeks ago, Ryan. I am sort of in your situation now as well... just not as severe I think. I'll post some suggestions here that others on the board can view:

In one of my work training classes, I once learned something like: "The occurrence of an event is neither negative or positive; it's the person who chooses to react either negatively or positively to an event". Sometimes people watching the show turn up their car stereos to be rather loud. I can sometime hear the beat to some of my songs when in my Living Room. My wife once clearly heard all the lyrics to Frosty the Snowman while putting our daughter to sleep. I just roll my eyes to the ignorance. My neighbor in question doesn't like it.

Speaking of noise, my neighbor also said that he doesn't like the noise of diesel trucks idling and he also says that he can smell it inside his house and it's awful.

On to my suggestions: Since my FM sign is pretty well at the end of its life and is starting to fall apart (it was originally never built for outdoor use), and it's been a bit smaller than I'd like, I was considering making it bigger. So, I guess now I will use that bigger sign to add more more info. Right now, the sign says "Hear the Lights" in a medium Font, and "95.7 FM" in a large font, and my web site at the bottom in a small font. I was thinking of changing the message to something like "Please Respect our Peaceful Neighborhood. Noisy engines off. Stereos on low. 95.7 FM. You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login", and make the "95.7 FM" the same size as the other text so people are more likely to read the whole sign before they read the FM station. I briefly told you how I made my sign when I was out to see you, ask me if you would like more info.

Adding a voiceover every few songs only works to a certain point because they could listen to two songs with their stereos cranked before the "Shhhhhhhh, be quiet!" announcement is made.

I do like shaunkad's suggestion of taking requests on songs. Perhaps your neighbor would feel "honored" if you asked him what song he would like in lights? However, my wife doesn't think that trick would work with our neighbor.

I do think that the idea of talking to your neighbors this summer is a good idea as well.

In the end, you can't please everybody. Not even the viewers. My stay at home wife tends to go out with our daughter and socialize with other mommies and kids. She's amazed at how often our light display comes up in conversation and she says "ummm... that's our house". They usually say about how amazing/wonderful it is, whereas one time the reaction was "there was this We Wish You a Merry Christmas techno song, and when it was over, we drove off even though the kids said that they liked it". I guess that's what happens when the parents are the ones who do the driving, LOL!

« Last Edit: November 21, 2018, by Gary »
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Offline mitch09

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Re: Disgruntled neighbors
« Reply #29 on: December 31, 2013, »
I like the idea of a sign reminding people of what to do as the voice over only plays every 6/7 minutes. The diesel thing cracks me up, as both of my possible suspects for neighbors drive diesel trucks  :o