Author Topic: Opinions on new Technicolor Strings  (Read 694 times)

Offline tbone321

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Opinions on new Technicolor Strings
« on: June 03, 2015, »
I see that Ray has yet another version of the Technicolor strings.  Has anyone actually come in possession of any of these yet?  I know that the first two versions of these were less than desirable as far as failures went and Ray has claimed that this newest version addresses many of the issues that plagued version 2.  The reason that I am asking is because I want to put nodes on the upper frame of my house and I also want to use the C9 covers on them.  I could order some bullet nodes and the C9 covers but the bullet nodes can be a bit of a PITA to mount to PVC pipe.  The body's of the Technicolor nodes makes that quite easy and they can be ordered with the C9 covers which would make the project much easier but if they are still as unreliable as the previous versions, the added ease could be quickly erased.
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