Hardware > Lynx Smart String

Universe question


Sorry for the potentially stupid question.  Can I have an active hub set to universe 2 and output DMX universe 1?  I will have 2 pixel net dongles to a combiner to  the hub on uni 2 then to a Zeus on uni 1. 

I think my answer is NO.  Just making sure this is correct.

If my hub is universe 2 and the DMX jumper is set to 1, then the output DMX channels are 4097-4608 channel range.

So to get to my DMX channels 1-512, I need to set the hub to Uni 1 and change my zeus to Uni 2 and update my SSC start channels.

Not a stupid question.  I believe you are correct. I always had to run a long feed for dmx to other side of house due to this until I fixed in software. 


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