Hardware > Lynx Splitter

Which case do I use for the splitter


I looked in the wiki and couldnt find which case to purchase for the splitter. Any help would be appreciated.


Brad Sloan

Same case as the SSR4 the TA200 I think is the number. It is in the wiki, just find the case for a SSR4.


Direct copy from the Splitter BOM page in the wiki

Case (Telephone Demarcation Enclosure 3.75 x 3 x 1.5) You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

Rick R.

While I understand the PCB was sized to mount in this case, and it does fit well, I have a question regarding cable egress (in and out).

Trying to get 4 or 5 cat-5 cables in and out of that small enclosure is fairly difficult, and does tend to crimp the cables, especially with the top entry and the cover closed.

Luckily, I was able to keep my splitter indoors and have the case open.

I'll be looking for an alternate way to package this next year if I put a splitter out in the yard.


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