Author Topic: AAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH Trying to video  (Read 2060 times)

Offline wbuehler

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« on: December 22, 2009, »
Well, I have been trying the last couple of days to get more video done but nothing has gone right.

To set the seen I use an HP point and shoot that also does video, yea it's not the best but gets the job done.  For audio I have a hand held MP3 player that also does FM, so I just place the headphones around the camera when recording, again not the best but usually turns out OK.  Last year all worked great, since it is a lot of flashing and such I usually try to video in a small window of time early in the morning or just as the sun is going down.

If it could go wrong this morning it did.  The previous night I left all my controller hardware on so it would be nice and warm and ready to go.  I queued up Vixen with three sequences that I wanted to video.  Told the wife to bring up test channels turn all on for a couple of seconds between sequence so I could stop and start the recording and split them up.

I then set off out side around 6:30 A.M. to stand in the neighbors front walk way across the street. (I have to get that far back to get the the show in the shot).  Problem one noticed the replacement FM receiver I bought, (Last year one died) did not like my old headset, this new one wants to use the headset wire as an antenna and at first only wanted to be happy with the ear buds it came with.  Earbuds do not hold to a camera well.  After a little bit of playing with the headset jack I found that if I do not put the jack in all the way that it worked OK.  So I was setup and ready, test channels was up all lights on, I centered up with the Tripod and gave the signal to start the first sequence.  I started recording and see all channels go off and the sequence starts.

Problem two:  About 10 seconds into it, I start to hear a bunch of static, (Crap I think, I readjust the headset jack and back in business).  I continue to let this record, I wont use this one anyway because of the static but get ready for the second sequence.  During this one, I also noticed that the FM receiver was a little touchy as to how I was standing (Again it's using the headset wire as the antenna).  After a bit I figured out the gymnast pose I need to be in for good reception.

Problem three:  OK, so the first video is a bust, but I'm thinking no big deal I can still get two done.  Per Que I see the first sequence end and all channels come on again, this is my signal to get ready.  I stop and restart the record.  This is great I think, I have good audio and I am about 1 minute into this video.  Then it happened, I lost my custom headset jack position and lost my audio.  (Crap again I say, this time loudly).  Since this was a short sequence I fixed the headset jack, (Also yelled at the FM receiver) and got ready for sequence number three.  But while getting ready for number three problem four announced itself.  Just as this recording was ending "LOW Battery".  (What the %^&* I just put a fresh set in).

Problem four:  OK, I have fixed the headset jack, found a good place to stand, and quickly got ready for sequence number three.  Since I had low battery, I did stop sequence two from recording anymore and waited for "Test Channels" to signal the start again.  I went into this one knowing I had Low Battery but I came this far and needed to get at least one video done.  As soon as I saw the glory that was all channels on I pushed record, and then quickly got back into the guminst pose for best audio.  As the sequence ran, my heart raced, it was half way through and I was hopeful.  But then it happened, "Batteries to low for pictures" and the video stopped recording.

At this point I gabbed everything and went back to the house.  I threw the FM receiver across the living room and it landed in the kitchen,  I took the batteries out of the camera and threw them too.  I thought to myself that will teach them.  But then I thought, NO! they will not get off that easy.  I picked up the FM receiver, put fresh batteries in the camera and queded up Vixen with just one sequence and went out side to once again stand on the neighboors walkway.

So, I now have fresh set of batteries, the now battle hardened FM receiver and I am ready to record.  I give the signal to my son so he could relay the request to open test channels and turn all lights on so I can line up the shot.  Just as I see the channels come on, I start to line up the shot an then, just as quick as they went on they went off and I was not ready.  This was because what my son heard was "Start the sequence" instead of "Open test channels only".

When the sequences start we close the front door of the house so you do not see the open door.  So I then loose communication.  Since I could not say Hold Up, Hold on, or Wait a minute, I collected my things and went back inside.  At this point I lost my morning time window, as it was now too light outside to try again.

So I have made a decision, Yes the HP Point and Shoot that also does video has worked for many a video but it's time for a camcorder of some type.  Yes I know that this purchase is based on frustration about today's attempts but I do not at this point care.

So I ask this question, what types of video recorders do you use?  I am looking for something that will do WideAngle (My hope is to not have to keep standing on my neighbors walkway), and have it save out to a AVI or MPEG file.  Any ideals?

As for audio I know that I can overlay to sound track with an editor, but never had much luck with this.  My hope if that the camcorder will have an audio input that I can use.


« Last Edit: December 22, 2009, by wbuehler »

Offline smartcontrols

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« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2009, »

I understand the frustration, been there done that.

I cannot recommend a camera for you. But I got a JVC Everio and am very disappointed in it. For me it fails on every account, so I say not that one. After I tossed it crossed the room there were only a few dents in it. So a relative is going to get it for Christmas.

If anyone knows of a good one for taking pictures of flashy, I am looking too.


Offline vairmoose

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« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2009, »
This summer after  my Kodak Easy Share camera comitted hari-kari, I went on a hunt for a suitable (read that as an upgrade) replacement.   

I found "Sony Cyber-shot® DSC-HX1 9.1MP Digital Camera"   ...  does video .. 

took it to record a play ....     with no added microphone...  the recording came out with better audio than what I heard at the play...   

Still need an FM radio to play as there is no way (that I've found yet) to plug in an audio source other than use the onboard microphone...     

Just some info..     

3 today (standing at light switch, holding two lighters)
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Offline Made2Rock

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« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2009, »
We went out and picked up a liitle Insignia 1080p 5MP video camera. I knew it would stuggle to video at night but I also knew we would use the camera mostly during the day so I wasn't to concerned about the night time quality as long as it would work. What I was surprised of is it is not as wide an angle as I had hoped for and I had to go across the street and down a little bit to get the house to fit in. Below is a link to a couple of videos I took BUT!!!!!!! keep in mind I had to go and turn up the color to bring out the colors that you see in these videos. The camera also does not have an audio in but I grabbed a radio and took it with me.

TSO - A Mad Russian's Christmas
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TSO - Christmas Eve/Sarajevo
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I'm not that impressed with the way the videos came out but then I only spent $100 for the camera. It goes to show that you do get what you pay for but in this case I mainly wanted to use it during motorcycle rides and didn't want to spend a lot in case it gets dropped.
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Offline blearning

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« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2009, »
I hear your pain and have been there as well .. I said to the wife ... well no the wife said to me ... why don't you go get a real camera.   SO I looked around and took a reccomendation from a friend

I went and purchased a Canon Vixia HF20. A nice camera, too small physically for my liking but it is a nice camera and gets great shots.  Both stills and video.  Extremely good videos in HD.  

Only drawback is there is no conversion software from the HD format.  

It does have a fireworks setting that is extremely good with the lights and you don't really need to schedule that blue dark (as my grandaughter calls it)  time frame for videoing.  

One drawback is the Video format.   It is MTS, I tried a bunch of converters and as mentioned in another thread am having trouble formating it into a sharable Video file format.  

Now I find out my 5 year old PC is now the weak link in this ongoing Video production.  SO I am now looking for a PC that has enough ummph to convert the files as required.  

I did get one done but I had to go into task manager and basically turn everything except the converter off.  

Merry Lightmass
Bill  AKA blearning AKA BL

Offline vairmoose

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« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2009, »
The one that i've been happy with so far is AVS Video Converter You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login.   

I was able to convert from quicktime to windows media with no loss in quality or going out of sync.   

3 today (standing at light switch, holding two lighters)
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Offline knguyen916

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« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2009, »
You and me are in the same boat. Got a JV Everio 40GB HD and it is crap in low light. Very pixelated and very fuzzy (with auto focus on or off) trying to keep up with the lights. The point and shoot videos look better than my camcorder which is very sad.  >:(

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I understand the frustration, been there done that.

I cannot recommend a camera for you. But I got a JVC Everio and am very disappointed in it. For me it fails on every account, so I say not that one. After I tossed it crossed the room there were only a few dents in it. So a relative is going to get it for Christmas.

If anyone knows of a good one for taking pictures of flashy, I am looking too.


Offline deweycooter

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« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2009, »
It's always silent outside when I video - why not lay your audio track back on via the computer?  Windows Movie Maker will let you do this... and you'll get "perfect" audio.  Am I missing something? ???

Offline WWNF911

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« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2009, »
Man, I know how it feels Bill.  I have a JVC Everio that records in a bizarre format that I have to convert. (Good luck finding a converter that will work) Additionally, discovered after I bought it that it has no audio in. To make it worse when I finally found a converter that could work for me. The converted video will not load into Movie maker so there is no adding audio after. Ended up converting and just recording in the car with the radio on. (A complete BUST in my opinion and was not particularly impressed with the video quality or the sync I ended up with.   >:(


Offline Made2Rock

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« Reply #9 on: December 24, 2009, »
I agree with Vairmouse on the AVS4YOU software. In fact I used there software to work with my videos. I don't have a camera that will create a MTS format but I can tell you if I create a file with a MTS extension the AVS4YOU software views it as a video file it can work with.

At this time AVS4YOU is running a special. You can get a license for ALL of their software for only $59. For $59 you get a license that will let you use ALL of there audio, video and image software. I'm not an expert with this type of software but so far I am happy with it.
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Offline gjbankos

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« Reply #10 on: December 26, 2009, »
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It's always silent outside when I video - why not lay your audio track back on via the computer?  Windows Movie Maker will let you do this... and you'll get "perfect" audio.  Am I missing something? ???
I agree with you - this is what I do and it works fine.  It take a little bit to synch up the audio to the video, but it is "perfect" audio.

Offline wbuehler

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« Reply #11 on: December 26, 2009, »
Yup I agree, works and does get perfect audio, but for some sites like YouTube is make it easier for there content matching software to identify the song.