Author Topic: Ideas for COOP's  (Read 2829 times)

Offline RJ

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Re: Ideas for COOP's
« Reply #15 on: January 23, 2012, »
Yes I would have something to say, I would not consider this OK since it is against many rules agreeded to in the aggrement that everyone here has agreed to when they signed up.

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Offline Christmas.joe

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Re: Ideas for COOP's
« Reply #16 on: January 23, 2012, »
Sometimes, if you're fortunate, a good idea turns into something we never imagined it would be.  RJ and his dream has certainly become much more than I think he ever expected.  When you're good at what you do and you have the support of the membership with your goal; nothing is impossible.  I think change is good if it meets the reason one started the process in the first place.  There are some really good ideas on this site and I respect every single one of them.  Collectively and with respect for the originator, I think there is nothing but good things to come in the future. 

There must be a way to keep the train on it's tracks and that's either slow it down or build better systems to keep things from crashing.  In this case, I'm referring the process, not the hardware.  The whole reason I was attracted to this site and it's hardware is because I could build it, understand and maintain it.  It was perfect for me, all the brain work for simplicity of assembly had already been done, plus it was cost effective and very reasonably priced (the best I might add). 

Keep the dream, improve the dream and in some cases, let the dream run it's course; it will be a good dream!

Thanks RJ and the Coop managers for all the hard work and I hope together we can come to some improvements that meets all the needs of this organization.

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Offline Zeph

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Re: Ideas for COOP's
« Reply #17 on: January 29, 2012, »
Let's say up front that RJ and the coop managers can do things any way they want.  So any discussion here can be ignored if it would be more work for them!

I do like the idea of a queuing database tho.  I myself missed out (barely) on two express coops already; I'm not complaining, just recognizing that it could happen again and I might easily miss all of them in 2012.  It would be cool to be in the queue now - so that if a coop opens in July after I've been waiting for many months, I would not miss out because I was away from the computer for a few hours.  I could imagine something like announcing the date of start of a new coop, and requiring anybody in the queue to validate their continued interest/commitment to buy within the week before it opens or lose their place in the queue - or something similar.

I could imagine this becoming less work for the coop manager.

Again - I'm just contributing to a brainstorming thread about possible ways to simplify the process, not complaining or expecting anything more from RJ or the coop managers.  After seeing the video, I have nothing but appreciation for the work it takes and the good will that motivate it.

Offline angus40

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Re: Ideas for COOP's
« Reply #18 on: January 29, 2012, »
Keep the dream, improve the dream and in some cases, let the dream run it's course; it will be a good dream!

Maybe RJ needs a theme song ?

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Offline tbone321

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Re: Ideas for COOP's
« Reply #19 on: January 29, 2012, »
Actually, I think that a que would have more negative effects than positive ones.  How would it be maintained?  I think that it would increase the workload and increase the time required to complete the coop.  If the que get too long the coop managers ore worse yet, RJ will start getting a lot of PM's from people asking where they are in the que and will they ever see a kit.  Keeping the coops running this way also helps to keep many people active in the forum. 

I think that the issue is being delt with properly by increasing the number of coop managers which will lead to many more coops for the desired items.  Having more smaller coops should both help meet the demand for desired items and reduce the workload on the coop managers.

I am not a big fan of the current "suprise coop" method currently being used but I do see some merit in it.  Doing this also keeps more members active as they need to keep poking around to see if a coop is running but since many are setting up for coop notification I'm not sure how effective that is anymore.  I think that the coop managers posting about a week prior to their coops showing the kits, the start and end dates, the price points, and limits of the coop will help the members plan better and get their payments in on time.  This would also further reduce the workload on the coop managers as well as reduce the stress on the coop members worrying if they will miss the next coop or not.
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Offline RJ

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Re: Ideas for COOP's
« Reply #20 on: January 29, 2012, »
Thanks for all the recommendations but as stated before the coops are not changing and they will not be noticed ahead on a regular basis. So continuing to hash it will not add any benifit to it at this point.

As stated before we have tried the pre notice before and it was worst. We have not tried the queue but it is not needed to try as I can tell you it would just add issues to the coops as people would change their minds and not update the queue so we would launch coops to find we had no idea of who or how many we needed.

No matter how you slice it the only answer is to get lots of coop managers trained and running so we can do larger volume of coops. Nothing else fixes this it just changes who did not get them this time. X number of kits when you have X times 5 people want them leaves people without. The fact is by June or so we will likely have no issue getting anyone taking care of as it always is this busy this time of year and slows as the year goes on.


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