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Coop Information Page

What is a Coop?

Basically a way to get parts and pcbs cheaper. A coop manger will post a Coop (Group buy) then members of DLA can put in their request(s) for the kits. When you buy large quantity of parts and circuit boards the cost per each item can go way down.

What is a Coop Manager?

A member of DLA who has meet the requirements of the board to be able to run a coop (Please see the [Coop Forum Rules] ). The person in charge of the coop (Coop Manager) will post a coop for the hardware that will be in the coop. Then record how many "kits" each person wants. The manager will get the finally cost from the supplier and tell each person how much they owe him. Once everyone pays up then he can order the possible thousands of parts. Once the parts arrive and he sorts the parts and package everything he will shipped out the kits to the people who ordered them.

How can I join a Coop?

Please see the [Coop Forum] for any open Coops

Can I start a Coop?

ALL coops on DLA must be approved by the administrators of this site. Please see the Coop Rules.

Can I get PCBs if there is no active coop?

Please contact RJ by PM to see if any PCBS are available. All Lynx pcbs are created by RJ and he is the only one that can get them built.

What are the Coop Rules?

The Rules are in the [Coop Forum Rules]