Author Topic: Release 4.1.5; Presets are back.  (Read 1086 times)

Offline smeighan

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Release 4.1.5; Presets are back.
« on: June 14, 2015, »
Release 4.1.5: Effect Presets are back! Thanks Gil Jones​
Since this code does store effects into your xlights_rgbeffects.xml,
PLEASE do a F10 backup before starting. You should be doing a F10 at least once a day if you are developing sequences.

One more, PLEASE backup before trying any new release of software.
Presets are accessed by right clicking in the SEQUENCER tab and selecting "Effect Presets"

This release also adds a Models icon to teh toolbar. You no longer need to pull up models by going to the LAYOUT tab.

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4.1.5  Jun 14, 2015
    -- enh(gil)   Add Effect Presets dialog back into the program.
    -- enh(dkulp) Add ability to set a brightness that is applied to the preview
    -- bug(dkulp) If the LSP XML file is corrupt, display parse error, but don't crash.
    -- enh(gil)   While playing a show don't halt if media cannot be found...log the error and move on to the next song. Fixes #262.
Littleton, CO
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