Author Topic: LSP Demo  (Read 4050 times)

Offline t.jo13

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Re: LSP Demo
« Reply #15 on: April 10, 2012, »
I use high end equipment cause I have to. I do graphics and the designs are pigs on the computer... I have a demo from madrix that I am playing with but its not about the money. If you are going to sell software then if a person buys it you expect it to perform as stated . I am not comparing any software to any other one I have a strange problem with LSP  and I am trying to solve it. If I point out little issues I find then LSP is going to be a better user friendly software for everyone...Look at this point I have been doing extreme christmas light for better than 5 years, I found this site cause I had an Issue with My preivous equipment,And now not only am I building my christmas display I personally am building the equipment that controls my display (how cool is that ) AS a realistic outlook on our hobby Its not about the money it is about the enjoyment we bring to people. NO money can say that

Offline caretaker

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Re: LSP Demo
« Reply #16 on: April 11, 2012, »
NOTICE: Personal Point of View.  I have and have used 5 different Christmas light control programs including Light-O-Rama, Spectrum, Aurora, Vixen and Light Show Pro and each has it's good points and bad points. With the exception of Light-O-Rama software the rest were written by software writers who enjoyed doing christmas displays and thought they could build a better program that what was out there. In some cases they succeeded in others they fell short but in every case they person doing the program had a day job to pay the bills and was just looking to maybe break even with there project. Does this mean that when we spend our hard earned money on there software we shouldn't expect a lot? No, but we should also realize that we are dealing with (in most cases) a company of one and they try to answer as many emails as they can and take care of there customers but they often fall a bit short in customer service. So you as a individual must decide if you like the features of a particular piece of software enough to invest your money into it know that it may have a few bugs that the developer is still working on and live with those until and update is released. In my personal case I used Light Show Pro 2.0 to program my show last year and ended up have to use X-Lights (a great program) to run the show due to problems with LSP's show player. David (creator of LSP) did his best to release updates and fix as many major problems as he could and is currently in the process of rewriting much of the software to better utilize system resources and provide a better experience for the user plus a couple new features. LSP has been my personal choice but it may not be yours that is what you have to decide for yourself and with the problems you have had with the demo I know that can be frustrating but hang in there, it make take david awhile to get to you but he will. 
Jeff Squires
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Offline t.jo13

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Re: LSP Demo
« Reply #17 on: April 11, 2012, »
He did @ around 11:30 last night . He said that it was a very rare problem, and the only way to fix it at this time is to wait for a new release. As far as caretakers response I would suggest that It could possibly get pinned in getting started in light animation. I was a user of light-o-rama and for the most part had no clue that some of the other software was made for the most part by 1 or 2 people . Lsp website is very good and up until last night I had no clue it was basically done by 1 person. I am sure there are many others that have no clue either. I truly looked at LSP as a software company, not as an idividual with a job and trying to make software to help with our hobby.