Author Topic: DC battery power to the conductor.  (Read 1075 times)

Offline sittinguphigh

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DC battery power to the conductor.
« on: October 26, 2012, »
The power inverter that comes with the etherdongle shows 6v.
But I remember someone saying the conductor was between 7v and 9v.
So I found a 8.4v battery pack at 2200 mah. The conductor/etherdongle runs at 450 mah.
I was told try not to run the battery down more then 80 %.

Ok. Now I have connect the proper connector to go into the the etherdongle/conductor
power insert. That I can do. But how can I charge it up. I haven't seen any charger
that uses that connection.

Any ideas?

What you don't know. Can hurt you.