Author Topic: Smart String important update  (Read 5170 times)

Offline RJ

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Smart String important update
« on: January 06, 2011, »
The first of the Smart String coops started last evening with the dongle coop. The rest of the hardware (Smart String Controller & Hub) will be starting in a day or two.

The lights themselves follow shortly after this.


Let me explain:

The paperwork is taking longer than I had expect to get done. Partly because of the holidays  See as most of my users that know me would expect, and against all the ugly rumors that I have read running around. I would not coop 10 's of thousands of Led nodes illegally into DLA. First clue should have been that I work in law enforcement for those that would for a second think something like this. This has all been bad rumors spread about for what ever reasons.

The facts are we are using a chip that can be shipped to the USA legally unlike the WS2801 used in most of the 5v units.  

The facts are I did the research and have been working to become licensed with the people that I need to be licensed with. the paperwork is underway and though it took longer to make it happen than I thought it would it is progressing. One issue the nice gentleman that has been handling it has had is to figure out is how to handle a non commercial hobbyist website. We are not his normal fair as you can imagine. He has spent a lot of time on our website checking everything out to become clear on what we do and what we are trying to do.

I think he was shocked at how many people do this and all the web sites for animated lights there are.

It has progressed from there with him getting a workable license setup for us and then an exchange of documents. an NDA was even required to protect them and I.  

I did not want to say anything until it was worked out.

This is why I laughed when I read the posts and chats in other forums talking about they are watching us and such!  I knew the truth, this has been the intention from day one. In fact the $.63 a node estimate I gave the members from the start is a reflection of the cost of the nodes + licensing fees.

I am a little shocked to find out anyone from our forum believe the rumors since you guys know how serious I take liability like not allowing the Lynx stuff to be used in commercial setups, or posting unsafe things in the forum. Why would you believe I would take on a liability like this?

So all the rumors of the nodes being seized in customs and such is just that.  As soon as I have the final paperwork in my hand the coop will start for them. This is expected before the hardware coop closes out.  

For those of you that might of believed the stuff floating around I hope you learn what most of the users that have been around a while already know, don't believe what you read elsewhere about DLA and RJ. Wait for the facts to come out.

You see it always goes like this:

"It won't work"


"It isn't any good"


"We have the same thing"

Just get use to it I have.

Innovation beats imitation - and it's more satisfying