Hardware > Lynx EtherDongle

Does powered Cat5 come out of the 16-port Active Hub?

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Steve Gase:
oops, sorry!
I didn't realize that I edit someone else's response!
I thought I was quoting.

I went back to email to find what else was said by tbone321. 

Quote from: rrowan on Today at 11:38 AM
It does not send 12v to the output connectors (pixelnet, dmx)

Quote from Steve Gase
Can you think of a reason why a mod/jumper to bring power over to the DMX would be inadvisable?

Quote from: tbone321
The real question is what purpose would that serve?  None of the current Lynks DMX devices use power over CAT5 and putting it their could cause damage if the wrong combination of devices are connected.

Quote from: rrowan on Today at 11:38 AM
The 4 port hub does not get power from the input cat5 but outputs power to the 4 output plugs from a separate 12volt connector on board

Quote from: Steve Gase
...and if power came in on the cat5, would it be discarded so that the new power on the 12v connector would be use on the outgoing?  -- just looking to see if I need to remove power from a powered DXM cat5 before using a hub.

Quote from: tbone321
The passive splitter only uses the first pair for splitting.  The other three pairs on the input are not connected to anything.  Since there is no connection between the remanining pairs between the input and output, any voltage coming in on those pairs goes no further than the input connector.  The other three pairs on the outputs are conneted to the 12V terminals.

Do not put power on the data lines, only the pixelnet outputs to the SSC's are suppost to have it, the other systems expect data on all lines and power put on them will be a very bad thing as in damaging.

I don't wish to make this a technical conversation, if I have, then please just message me instead.

If the active hub is configured for pixelnet universe #1, beside the fact that the 16 outputs also output power, do they output the same thing as the 2 pixelnet outputs.

to ask if a different way, besides the fact that 16 ports also send power, do the 18 pixelnet outputs act the same way as long as the hub is set on universe #1? (to keep the data on the same pins) [i'm not asking if the data comes out on the same pins or not, just asking if what comes out of the 16 ports as far as data is concerned, is the same that comes out of the 2 pixelnet outputs.]

Simple answer

Pixelnet inputs and outputs have all the channels sent out by the dongle. The jumpers for the universe selects the the dmx (512 channels) range and the 16 ports pixelnet range (4k channels) only. As per the channel chart in the wiki You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

Rick R.

what i meant though, is the actual data sent out of the 16 ports, the same as the data sent over the two pixelnet outputs for whatever universe the hub is set for?

i was referring to just the data, the 1's and 0's,

is what i'm getting from one of the 2 pixelnet outputs, the same as what i'm getting from the 16 active ports (minus the power)?


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