Software > Vixen

Vixen Help

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I have downloaded XLights and have watched the videos you suggested.  I used the candy cane model to set up my layout.  I have one question for you. What plug in controller do I use. My Lynx Express controllers are not listed.

Thank You for your time and knowledge

Great question! I am trying to use Vixen and keep getting access to the port comm 1 is denied. Execution has been stopped. The serial shows up in device manager as well as the usb serial converter.

I've tried to get a grip on x lights but am use to using Vixen. It's been a few years.

I don't mind trying x lights but am also not sure how to set up the lynx version 1 usb dongle and the lynx express 16 channel.

Is there a group everyone has moved to or is the hardware supported anymore?

There is no ability or need to set up the LE in Xlights.  As for the DMX dongle, just set up a serial controller in XLights and it will create a DMX serial controller.  You mat need to identify the serial USB port the dongle is on and set it in the config.  As for the group that most have moved to, try Falcon Christmas.  Quite a few of us are there since many have moved fully to pixels and that is the home of FPP which is a killer show player.  Some of us over there still use our DLA equipment like the LE so there is still help to be found. 


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