Author Topic: PCB's in the store  (Read 1689 times)

Offline Rod R

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Re: PCB's in the store
« Reply #15 on: March 15, 2012, »
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All of us Noob's are over anxious.  This has been such a Godsend from not having to purchase the controllers from some of the companies out there.  RJ should get a commission check from every one of us for the amount of savings we have gotten.

Three months in to the year and I feel like Halloween/Christmas will be here before I'm ready.


Mike I know how you feel and its understandable but the coops are coming and I'm sure the boards to follow.  But I think the best thing is to use this downtime to sequence because you don't want to be stuck with all the hardware and sequence to run it.  You can build the controllers in a few days but a sequence will take weeks even months (depending on channel count) to complete.  So don't want to stray from the threads subject.

Offline Mike Hill

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Re: PCB's in the store
« Reply #16 on: March 15, 2012, »
Thank you.  I'm good for now.  I was able to get several prebuilt version 4 LE's from Bill.....
I have sequences to use from last year's show, up to 22 songs right now.  I have to take in to consideration the increase in channels, and of course my layout of display.

I would say my comment was more directed to the those waiting to buy their first piece of hardware, to just get going.

....back to putting my puzzle together.

And of course waiting on SSC board design to be approved by RJ.

PS...if anyone needs some extra storage space, send your lights and controllers my way.  I have a few empty spots in the garage still available.....harharahar
Mike Hill
First display date 11-2011
"Never explain your actions, your enemies don't believe it and your friends don't need it."