Author Topic: C compiler for Pic and basic knowledge inputs from sages in DIYLA  (Read 1068 times)

Offline Penfold

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Hello all.

I am really interested in learning to program in C exclusively for working with microcontrollers.  My plan is to incorporate a microcontroller in controlling LEDs for a Ghostbuster proton pack and wand that I would like to make for Holloween.  Also, if I can get all the lights blinking from a couple of PICs as opposed to individual components it would be more cost effective IMHO.  The only problem is that I don't have an idea on where to start or what compiler I can get on a budget as I don't have too much cash flow these days (Kids are expensive). Are there any Guru's out there that could recomend a good book for a newb in PICs that I can get my hands to start learning the process?

Also, one more question would be should I look into assembler or C?  I have heard that C is a lot more easy to learn.

Please let me know your thoughts.

P.S. I have been to Amazon and looked up a couple of books, but nothing seems to appeal to me. 
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Offline TexasStingray

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I started off with an Arduino. You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
« Last Edit: January 26, 2013, by TexasStingray »
Scott Wanner

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Offline rrowan

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Microchip has a lot of free info plus their mplab is a complier which you might already have on your computer if you have a pickit

also search google for pic programming and there is a lot of sites. Cheaper then buying a book

Rick R.
Light Animation Hobby - Having fun and Learning at the same time. (21st member of DLA)
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Warning SOME assembly required

Offline MazdaFan

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+1 on the Arduino.

If you are looking for a free compiler there are several options.

Micro usually sends one out with their PicIt3s (not sure about the PicIt2s) but its also downloadable at
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If you go the Arduino direction then you can download their software here:
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Its not "C" per se, but still allows for easy programming of their microcontroller/prototyping boards

And of course there is the ol standby, the GNU C compiler (Its not just for Linux anymore!  ;) ) available here:
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You can match the GCC with Code::Blocks (again, free) for an IDE that can be used with most ANY compiler (C, Pascal, VBasic)
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As you can see, there are a lot of options out there!
Hope this helps!

Jamie Tomlinson
Sardinia, Indiana
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Offline MazdaFan

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Oh, as for books...   Try Here:
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Jamie Tomlinson
Sardinia, Indiana
When you can keep your head when all others are losing theirs,
you clearly don't understand the problem!

Offline Penfold

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Thank you all.  I will take the information under consideration and who would have thunk it that I have the MPLAB (I have a pickit 2 (clone) and a Pickit 3 (legit).  I never really thought that was a compiler for C as I thought it was for assembly for some reason.  I will look into that thanks for that little pearl of wisdom Rrowan.

For some reason I am hestitant about the Arduino class of prototyping just now.  I figured I wanted to learn C and how it interacts with a pic before I tried something with Arduino.

I will look at the book selection for Amazon.  My search criteria was PIC programming with C, but I would have never thought of embedded C.  I will try my luck with that thanks Mazdafan.

Thank you all!
♪Chicken go cluck, cluck
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