Author Topic: Built my Aether and WOW  (Read 3094 times)

Offline smartcontrols

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Built my Aether and WOW
« on: November 20, 2010, »
I built 4 of my 6 Aethers. WOW. For my needs they are absolutely perfect. Better than even I dreamed of. They cover the whole wall. Nice even color, no spots. RJ, thank you. You out did yourself this time. And to Bill, I cannot thank you enough for running this coop. I cannot imagine what it took to count all those little parts that I can hardly see.

For me doing the surface mount part was much easier than I expected. Just don't drink too much coffee before you start.  My biggest problem was doing the hand soldering on the back side without the solder mask. A little more room next time would be nice, if that could be done.  Luckily there are only a few parts to solder that way.

Again Great job RJ, outstanding design, great coop. I thank you ALL for your sacrifices to make MY Christmas display a little better this year.

PS: The coop should include sun glasses for safety


Offline rrowan

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Re: Built my Aether and WOW
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2010, »
Glad you like it, I am sure RJ will be happy also

I did hear that Bill is still having nightmares from that coop  :o ;D


Rick R.
Light Animation Hobby - Having fun and Learning at the same time. (21st member of DLA)
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Warning SOME assembly required

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Re: Built my Aether and WOW
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2010, »
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I built 4 of my 6 Aethers. WOW. For my needs they are absolutely perfect. Better than even I dreamed of. They cover the whole wall. Nice even color, no spots. RJ, thank you. You out did yourself this time. And to Bill, I cannot thank you enough for running this coop. I cannot imagine what it took to count all those little parts that I can hardly see.

Glad they are going to work for you.

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For me doing the surface mount part was much easier than I expected. Just don't drink too much coffee before you start.  My biggest problem was doing the hand soldering on the back side without the solder mask. A little more room next time would be nice, if that could be done.  Luckily there are only a few parts to solder that way.

This design was part about building a Flood light I was proud to put in my display, and part about seeing how our members would take to surface mount.  I glad to hear I have at least one that felt it was not a problem.

The spacing was normal but in retrospect with the lack of soldermask I agree and from previous comment, did increase the clearence on the back in the layout for the future (If we ever get anyone else to do a coop of them) I am also looking into something we used in avoinics on some boards, called peelable mask. This would let you have soldermask and then remove it when done soldering so the heat can transfer well. Some increase in pcb cost will be the downside to it.

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Again Great job RJ, outstanding design, great coop. I thank you ALL for your sacrifices to make MY Christmas display a little better this year.

Thanks for even thinking about it. You do not know what that means. This time of year most of all, as it get crazy and I am afraid some not in a good way. It is a fact that no matter what you do you will always have a small percentage of people that did not like it. I get pms regularly complianing that "You are not doing a coop RIGHT  NOW for XXX and if I need it you know others need it also and why are you not doing it. along with "You should be doing xyz and xyz" and "this design should have had this" and "this one should not of been that way...." so to get a post that just says "WOW. For my needs they are absolutely perfect. Better than even I dreamed of" is a christmas gift as good as I could of every asked for. Thanks
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PS: The coop should include sun glasses for safety

You know people that have not played with one will read this and believe you are joking. But  I want to call your attention to that he has no smiley behind this comment. Please be careful as these things are way beyond safe to stare at in close range and dark conditions.

Once you do it even by accident for a brief glance you will see dots for a while. This is a indication you are abusing your eyes so be safe.

So to the chase, when I was developing them as you can imagine I was on the bench a lot more than a builder should be. Because of this and that I had got nailed with it a couple of times I started wearing my sunglasses at the workbench when I would turn it on. True story.

« Last Edit: November 20, 2010, by RJ »
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Offline batdive

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Re: Built my Aether and WOW
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2010, »
I have said it other posts, but agree with the OP 100%.

Dots yep seen em  :D, why I had to go find a special smiley for the Aether (see attached).

As for the SMD, I agree it was in some senses easier then regular soldering and quicker.  The initial set up and trying not to lose the dots is the slower part, but after that it goes pretty quick.


Offline jnealand

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Re: Built my Aether and WOW
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2010, »
After reading all the posts of people having issues I was beginning to think I should just sell off my aether kits.  I wasn't planning on using them this year anyway and so I put the box of parts under the table thinking I would wait until next year to start.  You have given me enough encouragement that I think I will get them out once this years show is up and running after this weekend.
Jim Nealand
Kennesaw, GA

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Re: Built my Aether and WOW
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2010, »
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After reading all the posts of people having issues I was beginning to think I should just sell off my aether kits.  I wasn't planning on using them this year anyway and so I put the box of parts under the table thinking I would wait until next year to start.  You have given me enough encouragement that I think I will get them out once this years show is up and running after this weekend.

I understand but you have to think that a few have posted problems. Many Many purchase them. And it is new stuff to everyone so that adds. In the end if you follow the threads to the end you find they miss soldering stuff, had a bridge, using the wrong software, ect.

This is the same as the express. I believe you have a number of them up and running so you would say they are not hard to build but we still have people that have issues with them. And this is a well known design that we all know works if assembled correct. It is just part of DIY that people will need help, All forums all designs have people that it does not work when it is finished and need help. We have assisted many people getting Dongles working and I believe they are a simple piece. It is not as easy for the first timers and even we old timers make mistakes from time to time. (too much for me.)

I think we do a good job of making sure they get going. I believe all but one or two are working that have posted and I bet we get them going as soon as they and the members have enough time to work on it.

The other thing is we see as expect some of the users have problems with the second unit and none on the first. The equipment did not change it is the users mindset that changed. the funny thing we also always see is The third, forth, fifth will likely be prefect also. 

Also we will have better troubleshooting info on what likely places to look as more get built.

So what I am saying is.... Get going and do it! the Light is great! the soldering is not that hard, the support will be here if you need it and the pride when you are done can not be measured.

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Offline egenoup

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Re: Built my Aether and WOW
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2010, »
Just finished the surface mount part of the build for my 3 aethers.  I have been doing through-hole for almost 30 years as a hobby and was a little apprehensive of jumping into surface mount.  After trying it, I will be doing more of my own surface mount projects... this was a GREAT!!!! experience.  Thanks RJ for helping me get over my surface-mount fear...

Looking forward to more LYNX stuff being surface mount.



Offline rdebolt

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Re: Built my Aether and WOW
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2010, »
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After reading all the posts of people having issues I was beginning to think I should just sell off my aether kits. 

Just so you know this was my first attempt at SMD and I found it easy and faster. I have built 4 Aethers now and although I had a problem with setting my channels and wiring up my wireless (neither one a SMD issue), I found it fun. Jump in and do one, I am sure that you will see it is not that bad!

RJ Thank you for making my house a little (or a lot  <fp.) brighter for this Christmas!

Offline aztiggerp

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Re: Built my Aether and WOW
« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2010, »
All I can say about the Aether is WOW!!  Can I say WOW again?!

I don't have an Aether in my lineup this year but my neighbor has 5 up and running....amazing. 

We have 4 houses sync'd with wireless and it has been a sequencing challenge to say the least.  We will get a few video clips once our show is up and running at 99.9% (can it ever be 100%?).

Happy lighting...(my feet and back are sore from 2 days of intense light, time for the spa)