Author Topic: Gamma correction for Smart Strings  (Read 895 times)

Offline sielbear

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Gamma correction for Smart Strings
« on: November 25, 2012, »
Most of you know I'm the crazy video to LSP sequencing guy.  I have generally only used primary colors (RGB) for my shows with the generated effects, however, I'm starting to branch more and more into the full color spectrum, at least with the megatree.  I own my own business, and for years, I've always put in a little "Lipton Lights is sponsored by Safe Network Solutions" plug that runs every now and then.  I decided this year I'd scroll our logo across the megatree.  Our colors are sort of a light blue, light green, and beige.  (was probably in the hooch when we came up with the colors...  anyway.) 

When I tried to display the colors, it was COMPLETELY washed out.  Looked like SLIGHTLY different shades of white.  I sat down today and spent about 3 hours generating different color curves and applying the color curves to small video sequences, rendering the video in LSP, and testing the light output. 

THIS IS FAR FROM PERFECT, however, I have made a HUGE improvement in both fading smoothness and in color output.  Essentially I'm suppressing the light output for about the first 75% of the linear input and then ramping up very sharply over the last 25%.

I do not think I can share the actual curve, however, I can share a pic of the curve that seems to work reasonably well.

Why spend this much time working on some relatively minor issues?  I'd like to approach clients of SNS and ask if they'd do a donation matching campaign with us.  If they agree, I'll put their logo on the megatree too.  If I could get 2 - 5 companies to match the public donations, NOW we're talking about real change and real dollars into the community. 

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns!

P.S. - posted in SSC area as well...
« Last Edit: November 25, 2012, by sielbear »

Offline Mickpat

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Re: Gamma correction for Smart Strings
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2012, »
Nice!  Thanks for sharing.